13 French Bulldog Pics and Fun Facts You Probably Don't Know

This breakout breed is super popular, and it's easy to see why when you check out these hilarious pictures and fascinating trivia.

Updated August 11, 2023
yhelfman/ iStock via Getty Images

French bulldogs are the "In" breed right now, and the American Kennel Club listed them No. 1 in its most recent rankings. Frenchies are a combination of English bulldogs and certain French terriers, and they come with an adorable bundle of personality and affection. Learn a little more about the breed in this engaging slideshow.

These Pups Are Irresistible

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All puppies are inherently cute, but a Frenchie pup is beyond adorable. Just look at those big eyes and stout legs. Who wouldn't want to give this little fellow a snuggle?

French Bulldogs Make Wonderful Family Companions

Rebecca Nelson / DigitalVision via Getty Images

The Frenchie's endearing personality makes them suitable companions for both children and adults. They're gentle, loving, and loyal. You couldn't ask for anything more from your pup.

Small Is a Relative Term

Jim Craigmyle / Stone via Getty Images

Frenchies may be small dogs, but try telling them that. These dogs think they're three times bigger than they are! The average adult Frenchie weighs about 20 to 25 pounds and is solidly packed with muscle. 

Sinkers, Not Swimmers

Brighton Dog Photography / Moment Open via Getty Images

It's a fact that Frenchies are not great swimmers. Their stout bodies and muscular build mean that they tend to sink no matter how hard they paddle. Also, their short snouts make it hard to breathe in the water. If your dog will near water, be sure they have a life vest on for protection.

They're Prone to Obesity

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Although more energetic than their English cousins, French bulldogs are still prone to gaining weight. This can lead to other health problems, so caretakers need to monitor their pet's weight throughout their lifetime.

Quick Tip

Give your dog an appropriate portion of food each day and split it into three meals to control how much they eat. 

Frenchies Are The Life of the Party

Tim Kitchen / The Image Bank via Getty Images

French bulldogs are exuberant companions, but they are known to celebrate life a bit too much sometimes! This little fellow is enjoying a well-earned nap.

Watch Out When It's Hot

JulPo / E+ via Getty Images

Frenchies are brachycephalic, which means they have short snouts. This trait makes them susceptible to heat stroke. You have to make sure they stay cool in hot weather

Quick Tip

When it's really hot out, limit walks with your Frenchie to sunrise and sunset and make sure they always have access to water.

No Airlines For the Frenchie

RichVintage / E+ via Getty Images

Many commercial airlines don't allow French bulldogs to fly, at least as cargo. The low temperatures in the area beneath the plane cabin can be detrimental to their health, and the air quality up high can make it difficult for Frenchies to breathe.

They're Very Vocal

kiszon pascal / Moment via Getty Images

Whether they're giving a yip or a grumble, French bulldogs enjoy talking to you. That's just how they like to communicate. However, despite being vocal, they aren't big barkers. 

They Need Help Breeding

tokoro / Moment via Getty Images

Due to their unique body structure, it's hard for Frenchies to breed naturally. Most are bred via artificial insemination for this reason. 

Need to Know

Frenchies also have a hard time during birth, so vets schedule C-sections for the majority of dogs. 

Sensitive Little Pups

Getty Images

Frenchies have sensitive feelings. If you scold them even the least bit, they will mope around the house for hours. Even telling them "No" could hurt their doggy feelings, so watch out and keep training positive.

Do You Smell That?

Tetra Images - Jessica Peterson / Brand X Pictures via Getty Images

French bulldogs can be a tad bit stinky with their excessive farting. These little guys are gassy regardless of what their diet is, but if they eat table scraps, watch out!

They're Weird Sleepers

The Good Brigade / DigitalVision via Getty Images

Frenchies are odd sleepers and tend to lie on their stomachs with their legs sprawled out behind them. It's very cute, but it can look a little strange sometimes. Don't worry, though, because this is normal behavior for the breed.

Enjoy Your French Bulldog's Quirks

gollykim/ E+ via Getty Images

These dogs pack a lot of personality into their short, square frames. They love life and live for their people, and you'll never have to wonder how your Frenchie is feeling. They're sure to make you smile and keep you entertained.

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13 French Bulldog Pics and Fun Facts You Probably Don't Know